
So, as I might have blogged a while ago (August 15th), I'm once again on AirTran Business class instead of riding Delta. This is only because I called AirTran and found out that most of the cabin was completely wide open. It's shameful that I am going to be forced to get use to flying on AirTran and rely on their aircraft and crew because Delta and SkyWest/ASA just signed some "awesome" agreement that is going to force Non-Revs (non revenue passengers) to pay for $5.00 per leg and .01 cents a mile. That means, that if I want my seniority to mean anything on the Non-Rev list, it will end up costing me $40.00 each way. Jump seating is still a viable option, but it'll mean that every buddy pass and everyone else junior to my employee date of hire will be able to get on the plane ahead of mean lessening my chances of getting a "comfortable" seat in the back. I really don't mind riding up in front, but it's just going to be that much more uncomfortable. Thanks guys for looking out for the commuters.

After going to Canada for a quick and awesome weekend trip, I got to see how Salt Lake is with SkyWest and that operation seems a lot more fluid in terms of happiness, on time, and just overall pilot moral. It's nothing like what I go through in Atlanta. I'm still contemplating going there, but there is just so much that I've been thinking of doing in terms of furthering y career. I don't know whether or not to go for the Air Force right away, or to just apply overseas to Cathay or Emirates. It's just all up in the air right now. I just need a sign of some sorts to finally just be able to sit down and make a decision. I'm going to be upgrading in about 1.5 years or so here and I'll be able to build my time rather easily with the flying that they are giving me here so it's really not that bad of a gig. I just wished that we got the LAX flying. Maybe we'll get something soon with all the contract negotiations coming / going. I really hope that something happens soon.

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada was awesome! I hung out with some of the cousins that I haven't seen in about 13 years and just had a good time walking around the city. I didn't get to do too much when I was there last, but I definitely have to make my way up there again. It was good to see my aunt doing well with her bouts of Cancer and just to see everyone all grown up and doing well for themselves. I wish that I could have been up there more often. Here's a small pic of the extended family. We missed a couple of people in there so email me the photos ASAP!