Original NES Ninja Gaiden Soundtrack →
Who doesn't want to listen to the original NES Ninja Gaiden soundtrack. Loving #2, #4 and #8.
Looks like all the special LPs are already sold out too :( Ninja Gaiden Rules!!!
*-)- welcome aboard *-)-
just me. my current interests and stories for the interwebs.
Who doesn't want to listen to the original NES Ninja Gaiden soundtrack. Loving #2, #4 and #8.
Looks like all the special LPs are already sold out too :( Ninja Gaiden Rules!!!
If you're a Gen X'er, you have fond memories of blowing into NES cartridges, sliding them into the system at various angles and even wiping the gold plates along the opening. Now, why not just use one as your flask?!
From Ink Whiskey LLC, introducing the Concealable Entertainment Flask on Kickstarter! Priced at an awesome entry level $15 for the Drunk-Hunt flask and various "games" at $20, all the way to $50 for the Gold "cartridge" Legend of Drink, you can own some awesome alcohol paraphernalia. You know I'm in!
Here's the catch. You have to jump on it now! You have less than 30 hours to go! The project has met it's funding by over 300% and ends tomorrow, November 23rd at 7:25pm PST!