Feels like March came rather quickly this year and with that, it's always a good excuse to update and tell you what's been going on. This year, I've been motivated more than ever to to finally get into shape. It has, maybe a little to do with me turning the big three-oh, but I've noticed the fact that my metabolism, eating habits and general lifestyle is slowing down, getting worse and rapidly evolving when it comes to priorities.
I have officially signed up for the San Diego Rock 'n Roll Marathon on June 5th and the Tour de Cure San Diego Century Ride which takes place just one month earlier on May 7, 2011. I can't say that I've officially setup my fundraising website for the Tour de Cure but I will have it up and running in the next few days. I promise.
Competitor San Diego just updated, revised and released the official race route for this year's marathon (PDF) and included an elevation map too! As you can see, there's a good climb / gradient starting at mile seven which, if you think about it, after you've finished the uphill battle, could reinvigorate you signaling that you're awesome done! I can assure you that's the way I'll be thinking about it.

Thinking about other races, I'm seriously considering the Carlsbad 5K where I'm aiming for the All Day 25K (Five 5K) Challenge. I'm in it really just for the medal but I guess by Sunday April 3rd, I'll already be within 60 days of the full marathon so running a half should be alright right? I even get breaks here and there between each 5K! I'll know how I feel about it after today when I run Miramar Lake for the first time. If I can do it without bonking out, I should be alright.
I'm also thinking about Bay to Breakers 2011 being the 100th anniversary on May 15th. It's calmed down considerably with the removal and strict policy of no alcohol, but hey, it's a family deal right? Should be safer and cleaner and... they also have a medal! A 12K race isn't that bad right? Who wants in on this one?! With that, I better get back to my other job at adellelijah.com.
I still haven't done any official swim lesions so until I feel comfortable swimming 1500 meters, I will be holding off on the decision to race San Diego TriRock Olympic distance.