Happy New Year!!!

As we venture into the new year, one which we are hoping and striving for stabilization, I’m right there with you! Hoping for some insight into my industry, the affect of this isolation on our children and of course our families and the wonderment of what the entire year can bring. So many possibilities!

Last year during the pandemic I finished my Digital Marketing Certificate from eCornell, started a Headshot Photography Business; AFC Headshots while joining Peter Hurley’s Headshot Crew, journeyed further into the world of Functional Medicine with the possibility of being a Functional Medicine Health Coach within a year from FMCA and heck, who knows what 2021 will bring!!!

If you’re not on it, GET ON IT!!!

Oh and by the way, using Levels for my Continous Glucose Monitor has CHANGED my life. Also, pairing that with Intermittent Fasting using Zero is the jam! I’m down to 14% body fat and am aiming for 8-10%! Cheers!


A Bike Tour of UCSD Through My Kids Bike Paths

It was such a beautiful Thursday afternoon, w decided to head to La Jolla and bike around the University of California, San Diego / UCSD. Our kids love their Woom Bikes so much that and couldn't be more proud of their adventurous spirit.

We parked at Revelle College using the ParkMobile App in a (V)isitor spot then made our way towards Atlantis Hall, up by Argo, through Gilbraith (CLICS) down the main path pass "What Hath God Wrought," through the Student Center, passing by Mandeville Auditorium, down the forest and onto Library Walk and Price Center where we had a small picnic.

After we ate a delicious meal from Rubios and dessert from Sprinkles Cupcakes, we headed towards Geisel Library down to Warren but we had to walk up and down the Snake Path. Benji even rode his bike up and down it twice! After a prolonged detour and checking out the Fallen Star / House on top of a building, we made our way to the Engineering / CSE Bear. The kids wanted to climb the bear but we stayed away from that. We then p back to Library Walk, heading west up the CogSci Stairs, which weren't there before, into Marshall towards the Marshall Uppers, all the way across the bridge to Oceanview Terrace. We then took the upper route back to Revelle. All the while, Adelle and I reminiscing about our time on campus over 20 years ago. So much has changed! The kids loved the stories on where we met and wanted to retrace our conversation. Fun times for sure!

Filmed with GoPro Hero 7 Black: https://amzn.to/30Urgqg GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp: https://amzn.to/3kI5Ep3 Edited with iMovie, Thumbnail by Canva, Music by https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Stepping Out and Into the Left Seat

When it comes to flying, the different seats have different tasks. Being a Captain holds its weight in responsibility, but let's not forget that a First Officer is equal in task. As I get going on my first trip as a Captain once again, it's up to me to make sure that all the boxes are checked and that ultimately, I'm ahead of the plan. Here's one of the first pictures of me in the new uniform jacket showing off that fourth stripe!


Oatmeal: It's going to be okay

Today’s Oatmeal comic hits home today with friends being put on furlough notice and my company and Union agreeing to put off furloughs until April. Essentially, the comic points out that it will eventually be all okay.

Ordered My iPhone SE (2)

I broke down just less than a week after the initial online orders were made available and consequently, I’ll have to wait until May 8th - May 15th. Apple offered the highest value for my iPhone X 256GB Silver at $320

1 and I ended up having to push for the iPhone SE 256GB White which should be around $229 out of pocket before taxes. Love the white back and the all-black front too! I tried to go with the 128GB version but I looked and I had only 88GB left on my 256GB meaning I was using more than 128GB! Oh well, Being that this phone was around $549 + tax, I’m wondering how much I’ll be able to get for it in 6-8 months when the iPhone 12 comes out? Since it will cost around $300 out of pocket, I’m actually okay with it trading in for that much. Dang, I just looked it up too and my iPhone X 256GB Silver was $1,149 + tax!!! And yes I bought Apple Care back then!

  • 27.8% residual after 32 months… try finding an Android phone that can do that!

  • iPhoneSE2.jpg

    And if you didn't catch my hovering "bigfoot" footnote, it reads: 27.8% residual after 32 months… try finding an Android phone that can do that!

    Just Because It's Been 17 Days in Cali

    And the problem is, the data shows that there can be presymptomatic or asymptomatic transmission. I don’t want to be exposed to someone who may not be having symptoms but can get me sick.

    -Krutika Kuppalli, infectious diseases physician, Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security

    Trusting your friends is fine and all but trusting everyone else who's circle could be much larger... and the fact that you don't know where they have been in the previous 14-days, it gives you pause. Unless you are fully quarantined for the two weeks which is being at home w/ 0 exposure e.g. not going to the grocery store or anyone at the home going out, you’ll never know.

    But [if you’re going to interact with one other person], be very explicit about what the agreement is, and try to choose someone who’s got [a similar level of risk]. If you’re a writer and can work from home, ideally your friend would also be somebody who’s able to work from home, not an emergency medicine physician.

    Let me give you an example of something else a student of mine decided to do. She lives alone in Philadelphia and her best friend also lives alone in Philadelphia. They each isolated themselves for two weeks and then moved in together for the duration [of the pandemic].

    I like that plan so much more than the other plans I’ve heard of, because then you’re in constant communication with the other person and you’re aware of anything they need to do to break the protective bond. It’s easier to have an ongoing conversation about preventative strategies when you’re living with the person. If people are living separately, one person might forget to update the other.

    -Carolyn Cannuscio, social epidemiologist, University of Pennsylvania

    If you are going to isolate together, that’s great, but first you have to be 0 percent exposed for 14 days.

    That being said, at its crux, social distancing doesn’t mean you need to stay home by yourself in a dark room. Really it’s about keeping to small, small groups of people. So if you have dinner with a friend, that makes sense as long as it’s just you and them.

    For people who are going to have those one-on-one friend hangout sessions, it shouldn’t be, “I’m going to have five one-on-one sessions with five different people” — that defeats the purpose. Really limit it to just one friend.

    If you want to be an awesome coronavirus epidemiology buddy, do it every 14 days, because that’s the incubation period. You’d want to do that from the last known date of exposure. That includes going to the grocery store, because theoretically anytime you go into an environment with a lot of people, there’s more potential for exposure to the disease. Then you want to ask each other, “Have you been symptom-free for 14 days? Have I? Yes? Okay.”

    -Saskia Popescu, senior infection prevention epidemiologist, Honor Health hospital system in Arizona

    I see too many friends still violating this. And damn if I don’t continue to quarantine for 14-days after coming back from Orlando, Florida where our training center is to which I went to the Orlando Airport via local shuttle, train, plane, Atlanta Airport, train, plane to San Diego Airport, Uber to hotel. Now what…

    6000 Words on Camping for Beginners

    My family and I are very fortunite to have an amazing group of friends that we go camping with and with their guidance along with a few of my other friends, we've been rather successful.

    With that, Ms. Rachel from Hobby Help posted this MASSIVE 6000 word guide on Camping for Beginners and I thought I'd post it here for your enjoyment. The first five tips are:

    1. If possible, go camping with a friend or relative who has experience
    2. Try out car camping first
    3. Practice pitching your tent in advance
    4. Stick to basic and necessary gear for now
    5. That said, invest in high-quality basics if you can

    She expands into the where, which includes car camping and backcountry camping, what to pack, footwear, equipment, COOKING, hydrating, navigating around, staying safe, animals, fire and even river crossings. It's an awesome guide so be sure to check it out! I sure as heck learned quick a few things!

    Mammoth 2018 Day 2

    I’m finally getting around to editing and post processing my videos. Enjoy! Day 3 Part 1 is also finished and I’ll link it here later today.

    Waking up on Day 2 for a full day of skiing lessons for Norah and a half morning AM session for Benji. He decides to wail and throw an amazing temper tantrum so we get advised to maybe come back in the PM. He gets an amazing instructor named Heather who makes the whole experience even more exciting for us! Norah rides the Magic Carpet after lunch and is excelling while gaining confidence + new skiing buddies for life!

    Mammoth Day 3 Part 1

    Excited for day three, I ventured out with both Norah and Benji to get them going. Another full day of skiing lessons for Norah and a half morning AM session for Benji. This time around, Norah gets to be with two friends and Benji gets a different instructor which gives him pause. I get to finally hit up the slopes after a four year hiatus where myast trip was at Stowe Ski Resort with Matty P during my initial Captain upgrade at ASA. Good times then, great times today!

    I spilt the day into two parts. The first segment is essentially me with friends followed by part two which includes Norah.

    The Country Club Barbershop - Rancho Bernardo

    When it comes to a barbershop, it's all about leaving happy. The Country Club Barber Shop takes it to a whole new level of precision and care. Besides the amazing feel and design of the shop, they offer beard trims, clean cuts and shaves; providing complimentary refreshments to all age groups is just another plus. The comfortable couches and atmosphere make it a great place to hang back as well. It's very inviting and I would highly recommend it.

    Sidenote: I will admit, making an appointment using their online system on either my laptop or mobile phone is a drag. Far too many drop downs and extra screens. Just my $0.02 but design should be as simple as time, date, service. When you come upon Step 5 ( yes, there are seven total , you type in your name, phone number (should be automatic recogniztion and not necessary to put in the country), and e-mail, you then get to select three preferred barbers. If I have one, and one only, it doesn't let me proceed since all fields are "Required." I can select the same barber all three times and still get to the next step, but once again tedious. Payment screen can be omitted since you're paying locally anyways and that is the only option there at least when proceeding through the Rancho Bernardo location.

    Maybe an updated system would entail: If the "preferred" barber isn't on the date you chose, then maybe it shouldn't be on the dropdown. In all honesty, maybe just clicking the barber you want, up pops up their availability and you click go.

    With a multitude of barbers in San Diego, many are priced at the $12 - $15 mark. The Country Club starts at $26! Coming in twice a month can really add up but once again, the precision of a straight blade for detail, the abbreviated machined shoulder massage and not to forget the complimentary drink might just make the extra $13 worth it.

    All in all, I had a great experience and was cut at my slotted appointment. I was happy with the results and and have already booked my second visit. Here are the before and after. Be prepared though as it's not your quick 15-30 minute cut but more around 60 minutes!

    Except for the before and after photos, which were taken from my iPhone 7 Plus Front Facing Camera, all images were shot using my newly acquired Sony A7RII paired with the Sony FE Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* 55mm F1.8 ZA. Check out what DxOMark said about it!

    Marry Me, Fly Free

    If some guy is limiting you, if he doesn’t help you get to where you need to go, then he’s not the one for you. He’s not part of your flight plan.”

    An amazing article on the dating life of a flight attendant written by a friend, Megan Kojima. In some ways, this mimics single pilots as well. Fortunately, I went into this profession already attached and the time we spend apart is just as precious as the time we are together. When you get use to it, there's nothing like it.