My wife and I headed down to Liberty Station last Monday to pick up a few Nancy Tillman books at Yellow Book Road. Arriving just within minutes to close, we were politely greeted at the door by Ann and David with my inquires on hand. They knew we were coming because I called twice hoping that they'd wait for us and that they did. You don't find that customer service everywhere. Thanks again guys!

After walking just a few yards, we ran into the newest location for Stone Brewery (at Liberty Station). Come to find out that it's the largest restaurant in San Diego measuring at just over 23,000 square feet and it really is enormous. It's beautiful and since I had my camera handy, I couldn't miss the opportunity to take pictures. My wife was willing to make another Tastemade video but since we had our daughter with us, I hesitated. Don't worry though, we'll back again so stay tuned.
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