One Week Free!

If you haven't tried it already, I suggest you check out CrossFit. If you happen to live in San Diego, I'd check out CrossFit858. Owner and Director Mark Lin is an awesome coach and he's enlisted some of the finest in the SoCal area to help the box out. Sign up for the free introductory week and tell 'em I sent ya. If you need a little "About CrossFit" just hit the link!

CrossFit 858: Opens 12.2 from Sean Horton on Vimeo.

I do wish that I could manage my flying schedule a lot better and make a consistent effort but I will get there one way or the other as this is my Latest Endeavour(9 months later).

Latest Endeavour

Two things.  1) I've just been accepted into 2XU's 2012 Ambassador Program and I'm super stoked.  I can already feel that it's giving me that extra edge to not only train but to bring it to the next level! If you have the time, check out their awesome clearance section for some great deals of up to 40% off! Just click here.

I've been stuck on my current level of physique weighing between 165-190 lbs for the last two years and I need to manage that.  As of this morning, I'm at 186.6 w/ a HIGH BMI of 26.0 / 146 lb Lean mass and 40.6 Fat mass.  (all these measurements have been calculated with Withings iPhone App WiScale)  I paired it up with a Tanita Irongirl scale because it was on sale at 75% off so until I find the need for the BC1000 or when Withings producers a better scale with more readouts, I'll hold off.

Eating on the road has its challenges and working out at hotels does have its drawbacks.  Because of that, I'll be taking it up a notch and actually be documenting it more here on  That's just an intro to number two; my dedication to Crossfit.  Check out my buddy Ryan Espiritu's blog.  He makes an awesome comparison between "Marathon Ry | Crossfit Ry" and he definitely is a great inspiration.

I let him down last week after he took one for the team partnering with me for the partner WOD and I blew chunks 5-8 minutes into the workout.  Way to pull for my slack.  SWAG!

Crossfit Ry takes better race pictures than Marathon Ry.



This post won't last long because having pictures of Ryan on my blog aren't my type of thing.