Surfing the Pages of a Real Book

Since the recent onslaught of Amazon's (and yes, Barnes and Nobles) inexpensive e-readers, e-book sales have exploded overtaking print sales. Over the past year, I find myself in constant dilemma about whether or not I'm ready to go full electronic. I still like the idea of a bookshelf displaying my collection and the physical sharing aspects of a hardback.

This artfully produced video by Salon Alpin depicts how beautiful page surfing really is. Of course, this only adds to my dilemma which I can assume I share with many others. Have you gone full electronic?

Much Better Now from Salon Alpin on Vimeo.

One Week Free!

If you haven't tried it already, I suggest you check out CrossFit. If you happen to live in San Diego, I'd check out CrossFit858. Owner and Director Mark Lin is an awesome coach and he's enlisted some of the finest in the SoCal area to help the box out. Sign up for the free introductory week and tell 'em I sent ya. If you need a little "About CrossFit" just hit the link!

CrossFit 858: Opens 12.2 from Sean Horton on Vimeo.

I do wish that I could manage my flying schedule a lot better and make a consistent effort but I will get there one way or the other as this is my Latest Endeavour(9 months later).

Motivation: Pushing Limits

Thought you had some amazing goals for 2012? Think again. Next year, James Ketchell will set out to do what no one has done; row across the Atlantic, climb Mt. Everest then cycle around the world. He's already done the first two tasks although in different years and while completing all these feats in a year is timely possible, I'm excited to track his progress. Check out his awesome video, following him on twitter, @CaptainKetch and track his story via his website,

Pushing Limits from Tim Juby on Vimeo.