Once again, after the San Diego Sprint TriRock, I thought that I would jump into all the working out possible and continue on in the journey of really getting into shape. One word... FAIL. Running here and there, I know that a 5K is something I can handle but running for an entire hour??? I guess it's just a little much to train. You might be asking, why the heck am I signing up for the San Diego Rock 'N Roll Marathon? I'm all about giving it a shot. Plus it's also one of those things that I've set out to do prior to turning 30 years old.
Back to the Great Cow Harbor Race of 2010 in Northport, New York on the Island of Long. This year was different. Different in that it was slated to be a special occasion. In honor John J. Pitfick (Matthew Pitfick's father) and his brother Eric Pitfick, a plaque was placed at the start line and dedicated to the wives and family recognizing the creation of the staggered start and the ongoing support of the race. It was rather a quick blip prior to the start but I was glad that I got to be there with one of my best friends' family and take part in an event that has always had a special place in their hearts. Cow Harbor Day has actually taken a small place in my own as the town is always beautiful, the friends are great and the weekend is always filled with fun!

The results posted. Twenty-five year old Mohamed Trafeh, from Duarte, CA ran it at 29:22.7 with a mile split of 4:44. Compared with my 1:01:29.6 finish and mile split = 9:54, makes me feel a little depressed, but then again, I'm not a full time runner. My friend and mother of one, Lindsay Pitfick ran it at 46:13.5 with a 7:27 split and to think that she ran a 10K a week or two prior with baby in stroller at 48 mins?! I'm feeling rather a little underwhelmed with my finish but that's what I get for slacking off. I still have yet to break my own personal mythical 10K in under 60 minutes goal, but I will get there. I know that I will.
Starting off strong, I exerted a little too much effort on the first hill maintaining a pace that I knew would cost me in the long run. The skies cleared up and down came the hot sun as we curved around the harbor. The effort that I chose to keep did me in and with my handy dandy TriRock Sweatband Cap, I felt a heat on my head and body that I have never felt before. I was inundated with a headache, a steam of water evaporating from my uncut hair and my body just not feeling the high that I feed off of. There were times when I felt strong and the end was definitely there but when it counted, the last hill did me in. I walked a little bit here and there but ran through the finish all smilies. I can recount a time when I looked down at my Garmin and said to myself, I can do this and run the last KM, but I succomb to heat. I wish that I could have measured my internal body temperature because, like I've already mentioned, I was definitely overheating. Exhaustion or something, it definitely wasn't a good feeling but it was definitely good times at the finish with friends.

When I finished, I hurried to the tables and revitalized myself with Zico Coconut water and other goodies that were given out by the caseloads such as protien bars, shakes, water but I cannot say that I indulged in the free post race beer this year.