Back up here again com mi amiga Adelle with the agenda of touring the Columbia University School of Nursing. We opted to take the M60 Bus Line for La Guardia which was only $2 followed by the subway to 42nd and Times. We only spent $8.00 total on transportation from the airport compared to $55 the last time we came here. It's just awesome once you get some confidence to roll around the public bus system.
With a modestly priced hotel room, for NYC standards won on and tactics from, we had a great one night stay that the Millennium Broadway Hotel.
It was prime location for the Time Square night life being located on 145 West 44th Street. We even got upgraded to a superior room on the 50th floor which was pretty nice. It had a flat screen and everything but of course, we only were there to sleep. Just like all the other hotels that I've been staying at really without the luxury tag; same bed, shower, bathroom kits but of course I had Adelle with me.
We ventured around the city quite a bit first heading off to the reservation that I had made at the Rock Center Cafe coupled with the Skate-A-Date Promotion. Basically for $75, a couple is entitled to two skate rentals and a two course meal. We even met a nice filipina who waited on us and offered her assistance to Adelle in trying to find a place. We had a good time ice skating as it was only my second time on ice and just enjoyed the ambiance. I fell once being really aggressive and trying to skate as fast as I can. It was a bad fall either, but I fell. Good times here in NYC when the weather is cooperating. Here are some pix from the night.

Oh yeah, the meal at the Rock Center Cafe on a scale of 1-10 are as follows: Appetizer - 6 [Humus and Pita with Lamb was just too salty and didn't taste that great really. It wasn't like you could keep eating it. Not recommend / I had the soup and it was pretty good, but not anything that I don't think I couldn't make. That's saying a lot] Main Course - 8 [Here is where the restaurant revitalized itself. The Sirloin that Adelle had was great along with some steak fries. I had a Salmon and that was just alright really.] Bottled Water - 10 [AWESOME] The service was great though which made up for a lot. But, the fact that the whole package including skating which was a retailed at $18.00 per person --> $36 for the both of us, the whole "experience" was just worth while.
Now back to Atlanta this evening for some exciting times!