Flying...Payday....Treo 755p....DVDs...USS Midway
Like I posted previously, I'm flying 10 out of 11 days. Today is day 5 and I've been bogged down without having the pleasure of being connected to the outside world. It's definitely boring with the Internet these days, but I guess that I should be reading and studying for my recurrent training scheduled in the next few weeks. It's definitely not by choice either believe me. The Internet at the Hilton charges $9.95 for 24 hours of connectivity pleasure and that's just not really in the budget. Not sure if you caught wind either but my loan payments are in full swing at $1100.00 a month for the next 20 years.'s that much. It's more than my 2nd paycheck here at ASA's 2nd year rate too. I'll try not to let it depress me, but hey, like I've always flown by, I've got the best office view there is. Maybe not the FL410, but it doesn't matter because I'm not comparing myself to the other pilots out there. It's isn't the largest cabin either, but that doesn't matter, because like I've said, it's all about fun and doing what you love.
Am I going to work out today? I just might, but I'm forced to run indoors again because of the forecasted 6-9 inches of snow falling in Peoria, Illinois. We have a 6:15AM duty in too but I'm a little weary on the fact that we might not be leaving that early. Who will be cleaning the runways?
I've upgraded to my sister's hand me down Palm Treo 755p. Do I like it? It's definitely got more pep to it and the Internet is quicker using EVDO rev. 0, but it's still not the BlackBerry 8830. It does have a camera, but I'm not too sure if that's a concern anymore. Maybe I'll just bring my camera with me everywhere instead. What do you think?
I'm going to post all my DVDs online on Amazon so that I could begin converting them to Blu-ray editions. Of course, I'll be a little smarter in my purchases limiting them to not every new Tuesday release, but to the ones that I think I'm going to watch more than just once. Shoot, maybe I just won't buy any more movies. I'm talking like I could afford them! :-)
Here's a picture to enjoy of Adelle and I touring the USS Midway Museum in San Diego. We went spur of the moment right after she picked me up so I was pretty beat but it's always fun hanging out with buddy! You have to check it out but be sure to have 3-5 hours for the entire trip. We had but 1 hour to roam around and we only got through 20% of it and we rushed too. When we going again babe?